Donor sperm. **update

We found out the chances of my husband having kids is very slim...unless we do

<a href="">IVF</a>

. Unfortunately we don't have $12,000 up front for it. My husband brought up the idea of using donor sperm. I don't oppose to it but I'm still on edge. This wasn't in my plans but having a family with him has always been a dream since we married. He said if/when I'm ready it's up to me. He's in his mis 30s and I really want him to enjoy the time with his children. I'm not doing it until I am 100% prepared and I told him to really think about it and to be mental prepared also. Any advice/tips/stories?


Hi! For anyone happened to stumble upon this post.

We sat down, talked through everything even spoke to the doctor recommended counselor.. and we went through with it! We were given a few cyrogenic labs and checked them out and found one that sounded like my husband & I. We Went through with the <a href="">IUI</a> on April 2nd 2016 and at 9 dpiui I got a bright BFP. Was told it may be from the HCG shot so I tested everyday and instead of it getting lighter (where the HCG would wear off) it got brighter! I found out about 8 weeks pregnant, after losing 10lbs in 3 days due to morning sickness, I was pregnant with twins. My due date was Christmas Day. I gave birth via C-section to 2 happy, healthy babies Dec 6th and they are currently 18 months old. I don't regret anything!!! We are very happy and feel very complete. They are starting to get into the terrible twos age but after everything we went through I'll take it 😊