He said he doesn't want a baby now.

My husband and I have been TTC for 6 months. I want nothing more than a baby, and thought he did too. I've been to two different OB/GYN's, bought probably 100 test, tracked and counted my period and ovulation, changed eating habits, take vitamins everyday, prayed constantly, and just finished a round of hormones to induce my period because I haven't had one since November. Today, out of nowhere, he tells me he doesn't want a baby anymore. He told me it was because of our niece and nephew on my side of the family. He says after watching them he no longer wants kids, which breaks my heart because I love him and them more than anything. He treats the nephews and niece on my side very different than the niece and nephew from his. I treat them all the same and love them all with my whole heart. I am very big on family and have wanted a baby with him for a long time. He also said where he is 20 that he doesn't want the responsibility. I'm trying to see his point of view, but I just wish he would of told me sooner. He wasn't nice about it either. I am heartbroken. I know we shouldn't bring a baby into this world if he's afraid he won't be the daddy he should, because that's not fair to the child, but I just can't believe he said it. He was the one wanting a baby first. And now everyone I know is pregnant and I don't think I can handle seeing it. I'm just so lost. Any suggestions on how to talk to him? Or what to do? Please. God bless. 
Also, I'm adding this because I don't want anyone to think I would pressure him into a baby. I respect him and his decisions, I just wish he would of told me 6 months ago when we started trying. I know 20 is young, but we both agreed 6 months ago we couldn't start soon enough on a family. Also, I did plead my case and tell him how bad I had wanted a baby and how bad this hurt me. I told him everything I've done (taking vitamins, going to dr, changing what I eat, etc.) and all he had to say was "well, I didn't ask you to do that." He was a jerk earlier, and now he just keeps saying "you know I love you, right?" I really am lost. Your all's comments and suggestions mean more than the world to me. Thank you to those who take time to comment or read. I feel so alone, he's my 'best friend' too. I don't have any girl friends really, so you all really help tons. I'm also bad to always give him his way, he's mean if not, or runs to his mom (who doesn't like me for the simple fact I married her son and that's it). I don't want to tell my family because I don't want them not to like him. Help.