So 20 days late and....

No bfp! But theres this gnawing feeling in my  gut that tells me I could be. This cycle has been so crazy, that I dont even know which way is up! I was supposed to start af jan 1, she never came, had the cramps and have had cramps off and on since then but af still a no show. I constantly run to the bathroom and check because i just feel wet down there, like i may have started. I get really angry quickly over little stuff. My boobs hurt off and on not a whole lot but with weird tingly nipples - this never happens. Everytime I brush my teeth my gums bleed, and Im craving sweets (chocolate for one) Im not even big on sweets, but literally im sitting in bed right now eating chocolate ice cream as i type this!! I know this probably all sounds crazy but its just so baffling to me because ever since i got off bc in aug of 2014 and no cycle has been over 37 days, and now im sitting here playing the waiting game because my doctor cant see me until march 2!!!! So here I am left alone with my gut feeling and pint of chocolate ice cream. 😒