Nervous mommy!!

I just found out I'm pregnant 5w6d.. after having a miscarriage in 7/14 and every little pain I feel makes me worry...last pregnancy I got to see my baby's heart beat and thought everything was ok...well the day before the 4th of July I started spotting...the Dr said it was probably nothing but I could come in to make sure...well I did and hours later I was told my baby died a week earlier..I was devastated...I later found out the baby had an extra 16th chromosome which is the most common cause for a miscarriage and that it was nothing I did and nothing I could have done...but still I can't help but worry...I keep having sharp pains near my ovaries...and I'm scared...I went to the er and had an ultrasound..they said everything looks fine...and my fiance keeps saying to be positive..but I can't help it I'm so afraid I'm gonna lose this baby..=( any advice is welcome.