
I'm so frustrated with trying to become pregnant I know I only started again in July after healing from a miscarriage but I keep asking myself why not me and everyone around me. A friend from jersey me and his wife miscarried around the same time and she is pregnant and it hurt to find out I'm not sure if she knew that I lost one but he sure did and when I invited them over the first thing out of her mouth was I'm pregnant. Like right in my face I wanted to cry. My dr now only put me on progesterone for 10 days a month. Idk if I'm not getting the same care as everyone else not sure if I should get a second opinion is because we aren't married. We plan on getting married but we just bought a house in June. Thinking about trying pre-seed but scared that may not work ether. I seem to convince myself every month that I not pregnant because I don't want to feel hurt by it when I get my period.. It like I told u so moment. I'll be 31 in June and I would love to be pregnant by then but idk. I'm honestly not sure n e more.. I know we want a baby. But I feel like it will never happen. And I get so frustrated and cry about it I just don't want to feel this way n e more why is it so easy for some people to get pregnant??