If one more freaking person...

Amber • 23-Married. Currently Pregnant after 11 months TTC. MC May 2015
Says I'm making up symptoms and trying to find them, I may flip. Especially if you've never been pregnant. No I'm not wanting to almost puke every 20 mins. Actually I'd prefer to not have acid reflux every time I try to lay down. The bloating... Of course I just wanted to make that up! The pains in my boobs..... I totally am forcing myself to believe they are there when they really aren't. 🙄 I get I'm only a few weeks along but the symptoms are really. The 5 BFPs prove that at this point. My body is kind of going through a lot right now, so back off. 
Maybe I'm a little overly bitchy too, bet no one thinks I'm bullshitting there 😂