Can you get rid of HPV?

Ok so when I was 18 I went to a clinic because I had sores which were really itchy and painful and weeping and I was told I had genital warts and the nurse froze them there and then for me. After a month or so they completely cleared up and I've never had a breakout since. I realise I had gotten them from my boyfriend at the time since he had been cheating and I hadn't slept with anyone else! I was told that usually you get a breakout when you change sexual partners. Well since then I've had 3 sexual partners, 2 which have been boyfriends and I've never had any problems since. I just want to know if I still have HPV or did my body fight the virus off. I'm 21 years old now and I am worried if I have given my partner the virus. Is there any way I can get tested for this? Thanks