TTC...praying like crazy🙏🏼

I'm going on a trip with my love and am hoping and praying some baby magic happens! Last month I was able to pinpoint when I ovulated with this app and I thought it was amazing to see that positive test result to show I'm ovulating. I never was able to tell until now with the app and my Drs suggestion to by some ovulation tests. With pcos I had/have no clue when I was ovulating. This month I've tested on the days the app thought and have not gotten any smiley face positives which was so disappointing 😔. I just wish I was one of those people who get pregnant right away. I want to be a mom so bad! I'm hoping and praying that my dreams of being a mom come true on my getaway this upcoming week! Good thoughts appreciated because I'll be praying like crazy! Dreaming and praying I'll be a mommy soon❤️.