Normal to bleed after doc checked for dilation?

This is my second pregnancy and I had my 36th week appointment 2 days ago. My doc checked to see if I'm dilated and I am 2 cm dilated. The check turned to a bit painful because my baby is really really low now. She said it is normal to bleed a little and for it to hurt for a couple of days. But I remember from my first pregnancy that it didn't hurt me this much. The pain and slight bleeding (more like spotting) lasted the first night. Today I didn't feel much pain or discomfort but I noticed spotting in the night again.
I'm just curious if anyone else went through the same because I can't remember this happening during my first pregnancy. The only difference was that I am dilated at 36th week now and then, I wasn't dilated when my doc checked. So my question is, is this really normal?