37 weeks!!! (Long post, venting stress)

Went to the doctor today, a last minute appointment because I haven't been seen since 32 weeks and wasn't due to be seen again until 38 weeks (never got my 36 week because they scheduled me wrong). So I called today and asked to be seen because I've been very nauseous, haven't been able to keep food down, had to be given fluids yesterday in the ER...I just learned my boyfriend has been seeing someone else, and we may not work through things so my stress, anxiety, and depression has caused the other issues...I wanted to make sure baby is fine. They ended up doing my 36 week checkup since I didn't get to have one! Baby is head down (she has been for 2 months, with no flipping), I told her I think she's really low and she checked my cervix which is getting very thin..and babies head was right there! Doctor has small fingers and said she felt her head immediately. So excited!!! Hoping things start happening more, I'm ready to meet my baby. She is my strength and the only way I'll be able to get through what's going on with me and her dad.