Abnormal Screening Results; 1st Trimester

Help!! I'm a 24 year old Latina 15 weeks pregnant of my first born. Today I went to get my test results for my first trimester Down syndrome screening and the nurse practitioner told me that my blood work showed some abnormality on my screening and they also performed a detailed ultrasound and they scheduled me to see a specialist on Feb 8. Now my question is how many of you beautiful girls have this scare and go to the specialist and how accurate has the test been?! The nurse practitioner advised me that the chances of having a abnormal is 1 in 100 and if the test IS abnormal, the chance of the baby having birth defects or Down syndrome narrows to 1 in 70 when the specialist sees you and performs a more detailed test. I'm really scared that my baby could have any birth defects or even Down syndrome and I'm praying that I beat the odds of the probability but this is really worrying me because I don't want my son to suffer, and regardless of my baby has the Down syndrome or birth defect, terminating my pregnancy will not be an option. But I'm really scared, who has gone through this and what have your dr's told you about this matter if the first screening was abnormal in the first trimester?