Progression... How many have had this happen ?

Shelby • ! My oldest is two born {1.17.14} & my youngest was born {2.16.16} blessed mommy of two beautiful baby boys!
I'm 35+5. I went into labor and delivery cause I was having some major contractions that were lasting a good 10 mins apart. This being me second child my doctor said to come in when they are 10 mins apart. Well I went in as asked. They checked me when I got there and I wasn't dialated he was a -4. And I was soft. Having my contractions get closer and closer they checked me about 5 hours later.... I was STILL THE SAME. So they gave me a shot to stop the contractions and sent me home... I feel like this is gonna be a lonnngggg labor when he finally comes. How many of you had this happen? Oh and they also think he is breached but not sure... How lovley. Im so over being pregnant I'm so uncomfortable... Any advise? On anything?