TMI brown discharge

Warning you guys, this is quite TMI but I'm really worried and I can't get through to my midwife right now.
I had a cervical examination yesterday, it hurt and I was in a lot of discomfort for the rest of the day. Then I had quite bad cramps throughout the night that kept me awake and I assumed it was because I've been a little constipated (pregnancy, it's a beautiful things isn't it haha) so I drank a load of water but the pain didn't go, so I went to the toilet to try and relieve the pain. I managed to have a bowel movement (finally, woohoo) but when I wiped there was clear mucus mixed with brown mucus, which I'm assuming is old blood.. I havnt had any more since then, it's been a few hours, but I'm still cramping slightly.
Should I worry or could it just be related to the internal examination yesterday? I'm really freaking out here guys! :(