Can you talk to you mom? Or any family ?

So I just got in to huge fight with my mother I just don't agree with her and just don't like the person she is...I love her but just after awhile I find her fake. I'm a good daughter I promise I don't go out and I'm the one one out of 3 getting a degree a have a job and paying for my own schooling. Now I'm just sick and tried my family not talking me serious and thinking it's okay to step over my feelings and treat me the way they do.

I'll give you one example of the people in dealing with: my mom and I was talking about diet plans and then my father comes and says " I'm just gonna pretend I'm bulimic and only 95lbs and maybe I'll looses weight." now in high school I was bulimic and was sent to a psychiatrist with them. And there was many time my father just told me to clean up the toilet after I grow up but I would keep it conceled cause to him I'm weak cause of it. There was even a time he was joking and said out let me stick a finger down my thoart. So when my father said what he did that

I was like "that's not funny" and. Then he was so made at me and was like " you can't be talked to , your so over dramatic cut the shit!! I was serious" my mom just looked at me knowing he was wrong and when I wanted to talk about it all she did was say I needed a back nine and that just the way my father is and I should forgive and then said it's not right for me to cut my family out and tells me I'm insane and take things to personally.

I'm always compare to my slibing and told I'm too weak in this world.....but she tells me I HAVE TO GET OVER MY PERFECT SELF AND NOT BE SO ANGRY AND BITTER AND GET OVER IT AND FORGIVE.

but not once has my dad come and say sorry for all the time he stupily yelled at me. HE YELLED AT ME FOR SHUTTING OF A COFFEE POT.

My. Mom even thinks I'm out to hurt her when all I did was grab her had and caressed her face as a term of endearment so she can know I'm sorry and told everyone I went to attack her. I promise to God I never hurt her like that. The only time I yell is when she won't stop and tells at me.

Guys what do i do?

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