Working while Pregnant

Hi everyone
This could be a rant so just a little warning! 
Me and my partner run a pub, we also live upstairs so it's pretty full time.
I'm only 10 weeks, but after a miscarriage and having arthritis, I'm really struggling when doing more than 5 hours and running around non stop.
Working till midnight then not having a good sleep then waking up feeling rough and then having to do it all over again. 
He doesn't really understand and we had a big fallout about it. He just doesn't see from my point of view no matter how much I try to explain. I'm quite hurt as I know I can't talk to my family because I know they'll just tell me to go home but I don't wanna give up that easy. We've been together 10 years and I don't wanna just leave him. 
When I get upset and try to tell him I'm upset because he doesn't try to understand he tells me I'm doing it to myself and I could be hurting the baby which naturally gets me more upset. It's like a vicious circle right now. & now I'm worried in case I've hurt my baby as that's the last thing I ever want. 
Any advice from anyone? Is there anyone else who is also working full time and how are you coping? 