My birth story🙌

Cheyenne Nicole

This was in 2011.

I went in for my 39 week appointment, everything was good I was 70% effaced and 1 cm dilated. I had grown as big as I could get, and my son had no more room so my doctor decided to set the induction date. I was told to go to labor and delivery that Sunday night at 5pm so they could put a thing in me to help me dilate. So I got to labor and delivery they checked me in got everything set up put the dilation strip in me and told me that they would be back at 5:30am to take it out. At 5:30am on august 22, 2011 they came in took the dilation strip out and checked me I was dilated to 3cm, they told me they would come back at 7:30am to start the pitocin. They came in at 7am and started my pitocin, everything was great the contractions wasn't bad and baby boy was doing great! Around 9am they checked me again I was dilated to 6cm by this time the contractions was painful but not to bad so I asked for something to knock the edge off because I wanted to hold off on the epidural as long as I possibly could, they came in and gave me a shot of morphine to help with the pain. By 10:30am the morphine was no longer helping! They checked me again and I was at 7cm so I requested my epidural, by 10:45am I had the epidural and was no longer in any pain although there was one spot on the left side of my belly that I could still feel the contractions, which was fine with me because I could still feel when to push when it was time too. So at about 11:30am the nurse came back in to check me I was at 8cm so she requested to get the doctor to come in and break my water, well before the doctor came in to break my water she decided to check me again I was now at 9cm and she accidentally broke my water while checking me! So she called the doctor down and told me to start pushing, It was now 12pm, so I did as I was told and started pushing. By 12:19pm I had my sweet baby boy out. It only took maybe 10 pushes and I only tore enough for 2 stitches. He weighed 7lb 6.1oz and was completely perfect!!! The most handsome little baby I'd ever seen dark skin a head full of black hair just absolutely beautiful!!! My labor was the easiest thing! So smooth and fast!! I'm hoping this labor will be somewhat like that one... So that's my birth story with my first baby, I was only 17 at the time. I'm now 21 and expecting a little girl on March 27, 2016.. I pray my labor goes as smooth as it did with my first!!