What route should I take?.. what did you prefer?

Went to the doctor today and he's giving me a week. My levels were 595, then 650, then 981, and now it's down to 942.. If my levels go up in the next week, good. But most likely they won't.. they're just going down. (But im not really cramping and ive been lightly spotting since last sunday..) So at the end of the week he's going to give me a choice.. I can either let my body do it naturally (which if it takes any longer than a week they will do a d+c) or they can give me a pill that pushes the baby out but there's a 50/50 chance that'll lead to a d+c.. or just bite the bullet and do a d+c.. what did you do? Advice? This is my 3rd miscarriage..I felt so good about this one...