Terrified of the HSG test! ๐Ÿ™…๐Ÿ™…

Leah โ€ข married to my best friend, have a perfect baby boy and TTC #2 or #3 ;)
So my blood work for TSH and protesterone came back normal and we are still waiting on my husbands sperm analysis but if that's normal as well my doctor wants to do the HSG...because I'm a horrible worrier I googled the crap out of it and more so than not the women say it's excrusiating!!!! My doctor said he would give me a Valium but I doubt that will do anything (I have SEVERE anxiety for normal Pap smears) like lose weight vomit and insomnia as soon as I set up the appt.ย 
I'm terrified even if I go in to do it I won't make it through the the test and then they will charge me anyway which will only increase the anxiety of ever doing it again!! We have been trying for 16 months so I am desperate but I just seriously don't think I would make it through it...
Any positive stories out there? Tips to help with the anxiety? Is it worth it?
Thanks ladies!!!
Baby dust to you all