How to regain the spark in your relationship?

Karl Lyn
Or Giving space for you and your partner

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All of the above 


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For me "Time-off" specially when you feel that your relationship is so toxic and when your partner is so different from before... (Unwind) 


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I seriously can't even go a day without seeing my man. Same for him. He works weeks away so when he's home we spend every day together 


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I agree with that... But sometimes people change, you know your partner is changing when you feel like he is not like before and he is cold how he treat you, unlike before you're  so important, you're the first priority, everything is alright but I know Everything is not always okay, but when you love someone you know deep in your heart and soul that there's something wrong or something is changing, but you can't complain all you can do is just to observe and feel if your instincts are true.. When you love someone you know if he's hiding something by just the way he talk to you, his gestures and the spark like a candle.


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Honestly, it depends on the relationship. My sister and her husband take weekend trips every few months just to keep the "spark". My husband and I have weekly game nights with board and card games. It just depends... But also I believe every relationship reaches a point where it's not about the "spark" anymore, but about loving each other through the daily life struggles. You  aren't always going to feel a spark lol, but you gotta try different things and see what works for your relationship.