Implantation!?! TWW is driving me crazy!


Hubby and I are TTC for baby #2 (daughter is now 3!) for our 20th month so far. Took us a year and a half for our first..

Ovulated and did the baby dance twice (within 3 days) exactly a week ago.. and I'm due for AF in exactly a week. Yesterday I started spotting and it has happened up until a few hours ago today. Very faint and only there when I wiped (and usually dark in color). Sorry, Tmi~~ had a few tiny extremely dark clots come out while wiping, but it has never been heavy at all.

Spotting has stopped today and now having slight cramps / twinges! No idea if I have any real reason to get any bit excited and really trying not to! Ahhhhh this next week is going to drag by!