PMS getting worse in your 30's?

Devon • My name is Devon, my husband & I got married in Hawaii in February, & we just found out 3/17 we conceived Baby #2!!

I have to ask, hopefully I'm not alone.

So, for the past 6 months my PMS symptoms have become NOTICABLE. I am 32. Mom to one 2 year old boy.

I have always been a bit grouchy and crampy before my period, but thats about it. Lately, the past 4-6 months mainly, I have been noticing a more noticable disturbance in mood a week or so leading up to my period. Lots of anger. Devestating sadness. Tears. Momentary Rage. Depression. And Anxiety.

Has anyone experienced this? Or am I going crazy alone?

We are hoping to start TTC our second child starting next month and I am worried something is going wrong with my system??? :(