Kanye West

Nicole 🐘🐵🙈🙉🙊 • Love my little family!
So, Kanye West wants to produce/create a David Bowie tribute album and there are talks of a The Labrynth remake. How do we feel about this? Personally I feel as if this is capitalizing on David Bowies death, no matter who were to do an album remake. However I think some people are just angry that Kanye is the one who is coming to the forefront with it. 
Edit; I'm not saying I have a problem with Kanye performing. I am saying I see (just from my observations on Facebook and Twitter) people are angry it's even been rumored to happen, even though apparently it has been denied by his reps. I was more curious as to whether or not people are angry that the potential was there for a tribute album in general, or if another proposed artist (Sam Smith, Bruno Mars, John Legend, Adam Levine..etc) would make it MORE acceptable...