Mucus plug or left over blood?

Jane • FTM due on Feb 4,2016 with my princess <3 💖🌺🌸👨‍👩‍👧
I'm 38+3 today. I just peed and wiped and saw pink and a streak of blood. 
Now I know it could be the start of labor, baby and all that, but I DID have a cervical check on Friday morning and I bled afterwards, mostly brown(doc said it was normal because she's messed around with my cervix a bit). Yesterday(saturday) it stopped, and my discharge went back to normal(white/very pale yellow). 
My question is could this be me losing my mucus plug, or maybe some left over from my cervical check? It's Sunday, so I will be calling my doc in the morning, just any theory would be appreciated. Just so I can have an idea and what questions to ask. 