Birth control ramble. 💊💉🤔

Ok so about 2 weeks ago I switch to this new birth control Zenchent (common name ovcon).  I experienced all the "normal" side effects you get when you switch birth control.  But when I google this birth control  all I seem to hear is bad reviews. Have you had a bad experience with this one? Or am I looking in the wrong areas for review. 
Also incase you where wonder I switched  from monassna. My doctor put me on a cycle where when I go to the pharmacy and get 4 packs of pills and take all the active pill and throw all but one week of sugar pill away. 
With dining that I only get 4 periods a year.  The problem with the last birth control was I had a lot of breakthrough bleeding. I take my pill at 8am every day and if I was literally 1 minute late I would have bleeding for the next week. Or if I was on an antibiotic I would have bleeding for the next two weeks.   So I almost never went a day without bleeding.  Have you had this issue with birth control? 
Also ask me any questions when it comes to birth control I have been on so many pills and the shot so ask away. (Trust me I did my research on birth control before I went on it. ) I have periods so bad they make me have low iron and active labor cramps. I on average with out birth control loose a cup of blood a month. Comparisons to 5 teaspoon max each month.Â