Weird situation?

So I desperately want another child, we have one now. I make good money and can afford one although my husband is cutting it close with bills so he doesn't think he could afford it. We split house payment, electric bill, tv bill but our car payments and any other "toys", we pay on our own. Obviously he has a lot more "toys" than I do because I'm coming out about $500 ahead a month than him. (He comes out $100 - ahead maybe) so this is his reason for not wanting a child which is a good reason. He told me last night we could have another but I would have to be paying for everything. I would do it in a heartbeat! We have no daycare expense as my child is watched by grandma and so would this one. I know it's a weird situation but in this case ladies, what would you do? I would be paying for this child on my own. Clothes, food, dr bills) I love my husband but so badly want another child and have thought about leaving cause having more children is very important to me. (He wanted two children but changed his mind after the first lol)