In Urgent Need For Some Help And Answers😣

Okay please anyone help me out here.😣
I need as many answers as possible to assure me everything is okay. 
On January 10th, my boyfriend and I were feeling quite romantic. 
Neither of us have had sex before. 
But; this time when we saw each other we did decide to grind. 
With nothing on. 
His bare penis was rubbing against my bare vagina...but penetration never occurred. 
I was also 1 or 2 days into ovulation-I'm not sure how fertile I am during those first couple days but that's just what the ovulation calander told me. 
He never ever ejaculated near my vagina. 
But is there any way that pre-ejaculate near or on the opening of my vagina and on his fingers could have gotten me pregnant? 
Again-no penetration. 
I may have been fertile not sure. 
And the thing I am worried about is pre-ejaculate. 
He also peed after his last ejaculation which was that night. 
Please ANYONE that KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT help me here😣 According to <a href="">Eve</a> my period is late by 1 day but I don't ever recall getting it this early, but I just need someone to help me!!😩