Miscarriage questions

I think I'm experiencing my 1st miscarriage (also had my 1st bfp after 2.5yr).  I am only 5wk+2day
I have been spotting lightly since my period was due but yesterday, it turned red, and I started getting light period cramps and eventually I saw a clot in the toilet and the bleeding is still clotting. Cramps have increased. I feel lost and clueless. I see the gp yesterday and he said call if the bleeding continues past 10 days but no real guidance. 
I have questions- the cramps were quite strong last night. I took a Vicodin. Is that allowed?
Can I use a heating pad?
What do I do now? Just sit home and wait? The doctor didn't tell me to come back.  At the time I saw him the clotting hadn't started yet and he was calling the hospital to schedule a scan. But told me if I started to clot, cancel the scan.  Should I not tel him and get the scan anyway?
I was actually scheduled to start <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>.  I was supposed to go next week for my. Scratch test.  I assume I can't get that now and have to postpone. But how long ?