Pls help

Elokin • Ttc that precious little girl after having 2 teen sons
So af was supposed to start today but my temp says otherwise. I am so confused by all this temping and cervix position stuff, first month actually charting cm, cervix and bbt. So long story short. 
No af today, temp still high, spotting very light since ovulation which was confirmed by opk. Chart shows my spotting days. Went from bright red to brown to pink, basically all over the place. But each spotting day it would happen once when I wipe after constipated bm I know tmi sorry, or after some bd nights. Also yesterday and today my cervix is so high I can barely reach and I have watery cm ( I think) I'm no expert.  I am 41 ttc #3 I took some hpt and all negative, I have. Signs of af but no af. Hope someone has answers. Also posted in general discussion but no one ever responds :(