Giving up

So I'm 19. Been with my SO for 3 years. Been off bc for almost 3 months and have had no luck since. Yes, I might sound like I'm pouting or giving in too soon but here's my reason: at 17 I was diagnosed with endometriosis. I had a laparoscopy done and had it removed with the doctor saying I had a "significant amount" to be my age. Well, here I am 2 year later with a different doctor telling me that my endo might be back and that I will be having surgery in 2 weeks. So yeah it's only been 2 months of ttc but with the past of endo and learning after 2 years it's already back I am becoming convinced that it won't happen for me. Atleast not naturally, that I will have to spend thousands of dollars and a bunch of time with treatments when this is something I am made to do. To reproduce. It's seriously heart breaking and so discouraging knowing I'm only 19 and I'm already having issues. I want to be able to have my own child, naturally at a young age with no problem. I can't help but to ask, why?