fertility tracking as bc?

Hey ladies I'm New to the group and am at my wits end. I've had a nightmare of 13 years trying every kind of pill...they all make me bad shit crazy and weepy...the shot was actually great the 1st 3 years I had it...went off for a bit then back on and bled forever and was crazy, the ring burned me, I had the mirena iud and even though it was placed correctly...thank you $1000 ultrasound....I bled for a year and a half and then sex became so painful that even a year later I still clench up during sex. I have no urge to try the paraguard for so many reasons but the fear of that pain again plus my tendency to bleed forever on birth control...now I had the implant for the past year but it effected my mood, horribly depressed and then I bled heavily for 3 weeks and got anemic and had it taken out....now I'm on a pill again trying to get my cycle somewhat regular but I'm also on rifampin, the one antibiotic that effects the efficacy of the pill,( I have lyme disease on top of this) and I'm crying all the time...all of those methods also left me with no libido... I actually ordered a basal thermometer the other day to play around with maybe tracking it and trying to find a condom that doesn't give me a rash ( also allergic to every lube I've tried as well as spermicide) I spent like an hour at planned parenthood just talking about the options and all of them just suck. I want male birth control to be a thing so I can have my brain and body back. I've been on them since I was 18...and I'm scared of the till they have already taken plus before I went on my period was light and only lasted 3-4 days. Do any of you use this app to track when you're ovulating and use that as birth control?