In shock about my BFP!

I decided to get an OPK from the dollar store after an appt today, as I figured we need all the help we can trying as we had had no success. Took me 3 negative pregnancy tests to tell me it didn't happen. Got home and took the OPK and it immediately turned positive. I soon found out these tests will also test for Hcg, so this could also mean I am pregnant. Went out to dinner and stopped at the dollar store to get pregnancy tests (so sick of spending money on tests for them to be negative). Took the test as soon as we got home and positive! I didn't believe it, so I figured I would use the last first response test I have. BFP right away! I was shaking, I don't believe it. Terrified this is a horrible joke! Praying this sticks and I have a healthy baby I. September!