Convince me not to test! Please! 😭😭

Okay so I'm CD25 & AF is due 2/1. It was only a couple months that I charted, & one month that we tried and then we decided we should wait. In the back of my mind, I know that we should wait, but in that little bit of time we tried, I got excited! I'm now 9DPO & yesterday ended my 4 days of spotting from CD20-CD24. The spotting was super light brown & I had cramping for like 1 whole day (not like my usual AF) & then today GONE. I don't feel bloated. Boobs don't hurt. I'm tired, but other than that, nothing out of the ordinary, besides being extra bxtchy. Lol. Again, super similar to AF but the spotting.... I've never in my 23 years of life have experienced that! I feel like I have a really good chance at being pregnant because I've read as many other possible reasons on spotting 7 days before AF & nothing else seems to fit.. But I'm like "there's no way I could get pregnant..." But please help me not to test too soon! What are your thoughts?? Are my chances good? I want your experiences please!