Planned Parenthood Birth Control??

So I'm 19 and veryy sexually active. From the beginning I've been using nothing but condoms but I'm REALLY interested in going on birth control. I'm not entirely sure which type of birth control is right for me, but regardless of that, I have no job at the moment so I rely heavily on my parents financially. The problem is I don't need/want them knowing I'm sexually active because they might actually kill me?😂 I don't have health insurance of my own, I'm on my parents. As far as I know...anyways. 1.) If I get birth control through Planned Parenthood are they going to ask for my health insurance? Aka will it show on my parents bill?? And 2.) Does Planned Parenthood even charge for birth control? I've researched a lot online but I can never find any answers. And I'm worried that if I go in to ask them personally I'll be charged some kind of copay I'm unable to pay, you know what I mean? It'd mean SO much if someone could help me out!!!!!