Is It My Month?


My fiancée and I have been TTC for 25 months, and with each negative I start to lose hope that we will ever conceive our rainbow baby.

This month has been the first month we've used Glow, but I've not held out much hope. Maybe I'm scared that all I'm going to get is another big fat negative. Ive had some symptoms, but I've also been in the position before where I've been absolutely 100% convinced that I was finally pregnant, only for my Af to turn up a day or two later.

This month, my fiancée and I have had sex a couple of times during my fertile period. Since then, I've had some pretty severe cramps, really sore boobs (to the point I have to be careful washing, the slightest knock hurts) some tiredness, more frequent trips to the bathroom, creamy white discharge and some nausea. I do get very similar symptoms a week or two before my Af, so I'm trying not to hold out much hope. The colour of my nipples haven't changed and I haven't had any spotting, but that was never happened during my first pregnancy.

It's pretty sad, I'm 25, have a decent job (which does come with high levels of Stress) and I'm almost at the point of giving up. A baby would complete our little family and myself and my fiancée have so much love to give. Sometimes, it doesn't seem fair that we've gone through so much heartache and come up with nothing despite all our tries.

My Af is due on the 2nd of February, and I'm tempted to take a test now, but I'm also terrified of yet another negative. Do you ladies reckon it's my month and I'm just being negative? Or do you think my symptoms are related to my Af?