It felt like I was in labor for weeks due to BH contractions and my midwife tried to help things alo...

Tia🌹🌈🌞 • Age 37, hoping for Rainbow
It felt like I was in labor for weeks due to BH contractions and my midwife tried to help things along with a membrane stripping at 38 weeks which was quite painful. 38w6d I was checked for dilation and I was 90% effaced and 3cm. Contractions were getting more painful but were still very irregular that evening so I decided to get some sleep. After 3am I was awakened by them and they were less than 5 minutes apart! Midwife met us at hospital about 5am. At this point I was unable to walk or talk during the contractions and I was 5cm dilated. The pain was so intense I wanted an epidural even though I had planned to deliver naturally! The anesthesiologist took their time getting to me so I got the epidural just in time and it was soon time to push! Baby's heart rate was dropping since the cord was wrapped around her neck twice! It was about 3 sets of 3 pushes and she was born! It was a scary couple of minutes listening for her first cries and when they came she sounded like a baby kitten! They gave her to me to hold skin to skin and she was so perfect! She was 6lbs 14.4oz and 19 inches long. We named her after my MIL Corinne Amethyst 💜