TTC while sick

I am so sick the doctor put me on 10 mg of morphine after running a CT and X-Ray to rule out anything life threatening. All of this happened during my fertile window. I am also on a strong course of antibiotics and it looks like I have IBD from chronic diverticulitis. My IBD is also causing ovarian cysts on one ovary. This is such horrible timing, we just started getting the timing each month right and now I am so very sick. We have baby danced every day of my actual fertile period as Glow seems to have been off until this month, we found that out because I bit the bullet and bought OPKs. My husband is also sick with the flu, I had the flu shot so I'm just sick from my bowel disease thank goodness but really fates? We still pushed threw it and baby danced every freaking day! I'm just frustrated because I have no idea how this would affect our chances this month. Any words of wisdom or support appreciated. I just really had to share this with someone other than my husband, he's getting pretty sick of me talking about it. I don't blame him, I don't shut up about it! I'm worried! His mom has been dreaming of me getting pregnant and so has he and it feels like a lot of pressure especially right now, especially when I need 10 mg of morphine every 4 hours.