1st consultation update

J. • Baby Girl Due 10/2021 via FET
So..... It looks like I most likely have PCOS. Not entirely sure what it is so I need to google. They took a ton of blood so I should get some results tomorrow. They also did any ultrasound. That's where she saw that I had plenty of eggs, "a ton" according to her. However, I may not be releasing an egg each month. What she did say is that those of us with longer cycles have less of a Chance conceiving. Reason being, a person with a regular cycle has 12 chances to ovulate & concieve in a year. Us with longer cycles have 8-10 chances a year. She did say to do the OPK for a few months to get a window as to when you ovulate and have sex then. or: I get positive OPK's between cd11-16ish so she said to have sex everyday from cd10-20 to cover all grounds. She did roll her eyes at the temping lol. Even if it's PCOS then at least it is an answer. <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> is about $4100/per <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> is about $11,000. That's just a baseline. It could be more. Plus I'm 33 going to be 34 in 2 months so she said only about 40% of my eggs are "good". At least it's a start.