IUI question

Quick question. I had my first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> on Friday 1/15. Everything seemed great. I had 2 follis 20 &22 and my husbands count was 48 mill with motility of 100 and a grade of 4%.
I have only one working Fallopian tube (the healthy side ovulated).
I tested today with a HPT (cheap from the $ store) at the request of the nurse at the clinic.
I will not start until Tuesday.
The test specifically said not to test until 3 days before missed period.
My question is this....is it possible that I tested to soon?? Should I just give up hope and move onto the next cycle? 
Is there one home pregnancy test that seems to be more accurate?
Thanks for the help!!