How long will you breastfeed on the breast?

Ashley • Married, mom of 2 boys, due in July with boy #3

I don't want this to become a bashing posting! So please post any comments as to what you prefer to do not a "how can any mom do it another way" type of comment.

I seen pictures today on the honest body project Facebook page of women breastfeeding kids that look 2 or 3 years old. I was kinda taken back by this, I just figured that most all women stopped by 1 year at most. I personally haven't had the chance to breastfeed yet, this is my first pregnancy so I don't know how long I will breastfeed or if I can.

However it's my goal to only breastfeed for a few weeks or months then switch over to completely pumping. How long I will pump and give baby breast milk I figured would only be till baby is a year old, just like people normally only use formula till baby is one.

With these thoughts you can see why I was shocked at the pictures of these huge looking kids still being breastfed.

So it this more popular than I actually know about? Or is this rare? I know everyone is different and I don't personally care how long people breastfeed or if they do, I'm just curious as to how long most people actually do breastfeed and if this is becoming the norm to have toddlers still breastfeeding.

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