I need help figuring this out. 🙄

Okay, so this is going to sound confusing, and I just need someone to help💁🏼 
I have been on the pill for a while now, and my periods are so predictable I can literally predict it down to the hour. This month was a bit different for me. My period comes every 4th Wednesday, so it was due January 6th. On December 31st I started kind of spotting a brownish/red blood. My period lasted until January 8th. Much longer than my usual periods, usually I have 28 day cycles, and my period is 4 days, tops. I must note that I did finish my pill pack including the placebo week. The period this month wasn't my norm. It lasted a lot longer, it was very light, I was nauseous the whole time. Just a bit strange. 
This app told me my period was due the 22nd, however according to my pills, my placebo week is next week which means I'm due to start February 3rd. So I guess my question is: am I a week late, or will my period come next week as expected? I've never in the 6 years I have been on the pill had a period that came so early and lasted so long, should I be concerned? I would really appreciate opinions. ☺️