Life is crazy! Please just come baby!

I'm 39 weeks on Tuesday and my life has been INSANE since 37 weeks. Started with my 2.5 yr old getting a little cold, she got over it relatively quick. Since she was feeling better and a little stir crazy I decided to take her to the park but the one by my house was PACKED so I drove across town and let her play at a different park which turned out to be a HORRIBLE idea. Woke up the next morning to her having a little zit or two on her cheeks which by the next morning was suspicious and I took her to the urgent care where she was diagnosed with impetigo. The very next day my dad was sent to the ER for an emergency blood transfusion due to severe unexplained blood loss. A week later while dad is still in the hospital my daughter still hasn't fully recovered from the impetigo so I took her to her pediatrician.... Where she was diagnosed with strep infection on her face (typical after impetigo) and staph infection on her scalp. They gave her strong antibiotics and she started clearing up. Dad got sent home from the hospital only to be back the next day with chest pains. Found out yesterday he's been diagnosed with critical heart failure. He lives far enough away where I can't go visit him until this baby comes. Oh and I've been having on and off contractions since 37 weeks as well. I just needed to vent. This shit is crazy. I just wanna hold my baby, let her meet her sister (now that she's no longer contagious), and go see my damn dad. I'm running out of patience.