We were scheduled for c section on the 9th

We were scheduled for c section on the 9th. I went in to doctor for a routine nst on Tuesday. The doctor said that my blood pressure was very high and that I needed to get my blood work done in triage. I had it done and they sent me home under complete bed rest. I stayed in bed until my Perinatal appointment yesterday morning. I went in with hbp and the doctor made a decision to send me L&D. I came in at 10, was prepped, and by 12:15, I was in the OR. 
They did not strap my hands down, the OR was so cold that I was shivering very bad. The anesthesia doctor came in and put in a spinal block. I was then latex down by nurses and then they began to put in the catheter. I didn't feel any of that. Then, they began to check me for any feeling and draped me at the same time. I did not feel any pain or extreme discomfort during the surgery. I felt slightly nauseated. I told the nurse and she immediately gave me something to help with that. I told them that no mater what, I did not want any medicine that would make me feel drowsy. I got a throbbing headache. I told her about that and then she gave some headache medicine to me and that ended too. Then baby was born in less than 10 minutes. They sewed me and then put me in a bother bed, brought me to my room and then shortly after, I was brought into my permanent room