What would you do?

My nephew is a spoilt brat! I need some advice from you ladies, his mam is his skivvy she does everything for him, (she cooks, cleans, does his washing/ironing, etc) he does nothing for himself, he won't do any chores, he won't put his dirty clothes in the hamper, his rooms a mess but won't do anything, he talks to her like crap and has told her 'that's what she's there for'! There is a lot more but I'd be telling everything till i die, now she cannot ground him, take his phone/laptops, she cannot take away his TV time, she cannot punish him in anyway because his dad allows this behaviour, if she takes something his dad goes on and on at her till she gives it back and starts on my 20yo niece, he picks up after my nephew and tells him to just leave his stuff and he'll do it. If my nephew breaks something (last week his new laptop, his dad goes and gets it fixed, or buys a new one, he replaces any toys or gadgets he breaks. His mam cannot give him any boundaries or punishments and he has no consciences to his actions, his mam is at the end of her tether with him, and it's really breaking down her spirit, I don't know what to tell her, do any of you ladies have advice on what she can do?

Sorry it's so long.

He's 14, and I care because his mam is close to a breakdown, she's on the highest dose possible of anti depressants and still can't cope with this, and a skivvy is someone that does everything for everyone with nothing in return and no help.