Friends not excited...

So I had dinner with 3 of my very close girlfriends the other night. I haven't seen 2 of them since getting pregnant because they live out of town and I had to tell them the news on the phone. We had a 2.5 hour dinner. I know they're not huge baby people (although they all want kids some day), so I didn't bring up the baby and waited for them to ask about the baby and my pregnancy. They didn't ask anything!!!! They made one comment during dinner about how pregnancy sucks because I couldn't eat one of the tapas dishes they ordered (which I didn't make a big deal out of). At the very end they brought up the baby but only to say "babies are a blessing" which is from an SNL sketch in which the pregnant women is super upset about being pregnant and her friend says "babies are a blessing but I'd kill myself if I was you". What the heck!!! I'm so incredibly hurt. My husband and I are beyond excited about the baby and I told them all this when I announced. Is it ok to pull away from these girls? I don't want to pull away just because I'm having a baby but how can I be friends with people who don't care about me or my baby and can't even pretend to be excited for me?!?! Sorry for the rant I'm just so upset.