Hi everyone little insight / help

Hi ... me and my partner have been together 4 yrs plus i have 2 children from previous which father does not want contact from which he has taken on himself we also have a nearly 3 year old of our own .... we had a severe breakdown and split whilst we had split i went with someone else convinced he was already going elsewhere anyway turned out he wasnt which has left me with terrible guilt anyway since we have built our relationship back up and we are very happy and i would like another child he says he doesnt trust me and is constant working out he has lost over a stone in weight and now i feel like a dirt bag against him ! He says he wants us and so do i i want us to progress he says he doesnt feel good enough for me and his fitness is for me but now i feel sooo crappy against him hes so slim and buff he could do way better than crappy old me ... yet i still have this feeling in me to try for another baby because i love him soooo dèeply and feel he does me ... i know i shouldnt with how crap i feel against him but hes such an amazing man ! The thing is i have a thyroid problem and contreception causes me no end of meither yet i offered to get the 5 year implant and he has insisted i do not have it ... so much so he personally cancelled my appointment.... and is refusing to wear protection a nd insists on not pulling out ... he knows i want it yet denys it himself ... does he secretly want what i do but doesnt want to admitt ? I have crap experience in men so any help would be greatly appreciated thankyou