I Had My Laparoscopic Surgery Yesterday! (TMI)

Ashley • 27. Married to Tyler. Our pups Mika, Ruger & Stanlee❤️. Oregon Living. Work in Public Health.
The aftermath. My stomach is pretty swollen and it's fairly painful. 
But the findings were that I definitely have Endometriosis, and had a bunch of deposits in my pelvis. My doctor removed a huge 8cm cyst on my right ovary and drained a few cysts on my left ovary. My right Fallopian tube is completely blocked, so I only have my left one to work with. I'm hoping to get pregnant naturally but my doctor said we may need to do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> because of my Endometeiosis.
Here's the largest cyst, it's the lighter thing under the instrument. It was bigger than my uterus!  
To those of you who have had a lap and got pregnant after, how long did it take you to get pregnant?