Brothers gf RANT

My brother has been with his current gf for 3 years. They have 2 sons together. Since the first time that I met her I felt that something was off about her. After getting to know her a little more I see that she lies...a lot! It's not about small stuff either! My brother had a DUI and had to go to jail for 40 days. While he was gone she was never home! She told him she was staying at my sister's house (she wasn't)...after he gets out she is pregnant in no time with their first child. I have my doubts, but if my brother is happy I am happy for him! Ok so a few months after their son is born, while she has supposedly been on Depo for months, she gets pregnant again! No one went with her to her appointment and I honestly think she wasn't on birth control! Ok so fast forward to now! She supposedly had the implant in her arm. She goes to the hospital and says while they did an IV it got pulled out but the lady pushed it back in. (I thought they were done in the upper arm). Ok so now she is pregnant again! She is blaming the hospital idk! She lies about other stuff too. It just annoys me. I avoid my brother and two nephews because of her.