Embarrassed and alone

I'm 33years old. We fell in love so quickly. It was so dumb of me to trust him but he seemed like such a good man with a kind heart. Since we've found out I was pregnant, he has: left me multiple times, been laid off from his job, unemployed for 5 months, attempted suicide, while in front of me. I'm 32 weeks pregnant. We are having a shower next weekend at our house. I have asked him for the last two weeks to help me clean the house and finish the nursery. He started drinking Friday, 6 drinks and 2.5 hours after getting off work I asked him to slow down. He then decided to walk out and stayed at the bar until 1:30am. Yesterday he was so hung over, became frustrated quickly when trying to help me finish the nursery. He then left again for the bar around 1, stayed out until 1:30am. I'm so infuriated. I hate him at this point. I lost it this morning. He left again for the bar. My best friends and family live an hour and a half away. I have to stay here for my health insurance and job,  but I hate it. I've always been so independent, but now I'm scared to be so alone. Being pregnant makes me feel so vulenerable and I hate it. I just wish I could afford to get my own place at this moment so I wouldn't constantly be disappointed by him. He's a good guy but he has a problem. My fiends tell me I just have to accept it and hope he'll change when he meets the baby. It's making me feel so crazy. I'm sorry I just had to get this out.