Ranting about my ttc

Can I just rant for a bit ?? So been ttc. For 4 monthes now. I'm not the obsessive tracking every little thing. But last week was the first time I actually knew I was ovulating !  Like I just knew and we did it a few times that week. I was telling my friends and family about how excited I am coz I feel like this is it. I have a gut feeling this will be our month ........well. Friends and. Family tell me   Oh stop worrying about it  it will happen when it happens.  Or God doesn't want you to have a child.   Ok....  All I'm doing is expressing my feelings. Since my periods are all over the place I can never tell when I'm ovulating. Or catch. It. This is the first time I actually caught it and knew ! And that's all u gotta say to me .....I'm not one of those girls who talk about it all the time or get ovulation kits and track my temp. No I just pray to God to help me. I don't know why they act like that.  Toward me. Am I overreacting. Co it kinda hurts