**LONG**He doesn't care ! *crying* Can I please get responses, I barely do

Our relationship is already rocky.  We barely agree and we are always arguing but we love each other and can't let each other to we been together for 3 years. I'm 18 he's 17. But this is what happened.. The condom broke, he came inside me, I took plan b(3 hrs after). This app says my period is due in 4 days, now I'm having spotting(never had this) I don't even know if I wil get my period this month. I'm so sad, I'm so sad! He said he's tired of talking about it (it happened last night) and said talking about it isn't going to help and that worrying about it won't help either. I think he's being a asshole, saying why are you worrying, you can't do anything to fix it. Like if talking about it helps me why can't you just do that. I can't do this. I'm so scared. I just keep crying, and googling, thinking about it , that's all I been doing today. I just want to hurt myself. I really do. This can't be happening to ME! It's not happening to us, it's happening to ME Obv he doesn't care about it, he went over his step brothers house and was playing the games and I been in my room and moping around all day! He says just cause he's not crying and stuff doesn't mean he's not scared ... YEA RIGHT! He's a guy he doesn't have to be there! I just feel like plan b won't work for me I'm so scared I'm having anxiety attacks and all